2tonnes workshop

Take action on the climate emergency by playing this collaborative strategy game, alternating between individual and collective choices every 4 years, and try to reach 2 tons by 2050!
Faced with the climate emergency, we don't always know how to act? Eco-gestures or collective action? Going flexitarian or buying second-hand? Renovate your home or get around by bike? Getting involved in an association or at work?

In this collective game, your task will be to build a transition scenario to limit climate change to +1.5°C. You will have to take action and make decisive individual and collective choices for the next 30 years. Each action will have an impact on your greenhouse gas emissions!

What actions need to be taken between now and 2050? Which have the greatest impact? What is my role in the ecological and social transition?

Come and find out by taking part in the workshop! For more information, visit 2tonnes (https://en.2tonnes.org/).

This workshop is organized by One Planet Friends (http://oneplanetfriends.org/). It will be facilitated by Chani Guillard and Jeffrey Belt, trained facilitators who are volunteering for this event. A ticket price is requested to contribute to room costs, advertising and train tickets for facilitators coming from afar. The game and materials will be in English.

CHF 15.00 - normal price
CHF 7.00 - reduced price

Webseite: oneplanetfriends.org

Wo: WWF Schweiz, Hohlstrasse 110, 8004 Zürich Route anzeigen

Kosten: CHF 15.00 - normal price, CHF 7.00 - reduced price

Kontakt Ansprechpartner: One Planet Friends

11.09.2024: h - h

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